Brittany Duncan
I am a normal ten year old from Linden, Tx. I just happen to be given a little extra hurdle in life to jump over. I don't always succeed in clearing the hurdle, but I give a great big try.
I attend the Linden - Kildare Elementary, where I am in the fifth grade. My favorite subjects are: Reading, Science, Social Studies, Spelling and Math. I am blessed to have four of the most AWESOME fifth grade teachers on earth! They are my homeroom teacher, Mrs. Tonya Thrapp; Mrs. Pat Braswell; Mrs. Cynthia Anderson; and Mrs. Mavis Woolfolk. These four ladies are the heartthrobs of the fifth grade class. They work very hard to prepare us to go on into Junior High. They also spend a lot of time preparing us for life and the real world. I also have several other special teachers that work with us: Mrs. Trudy Vise, Mrs. McGinnis, Mrs. Amy Attaway, and Mrs. Kathy Gilbert. These ladies are our art and music teacher, our PE teacher, our computer lab teacher and our librarian. Leading all of the Elementary school is another very special person...Ms. Marcella Young, our principal. She works very hard at keeping all of us in line and as well as helping our campus to maintain an Exemplary status. Ms. Young thanks for all you do for us!!!!
I have grown up in a small community outside of town called Center Hill. The land my family lives on has been in my mom's family for over 100 years. This is something that I am very proud of. We have a very close knit family. My dad works in the timber business with my uncle and is also a Volunteer Fire Fighter. My mom is the Media Technology Teacher at Linden - Kildare High School. My brother is in training at the Texas A & M Fire Academy at Commerce, Texas. I have 3 cousins that are as close to me as brothers and sisters can be. They are Josh, Ashley, and Jonathan - "Rooter". They have been through everything with me and are my best friends. Ashley and I spend almost every waking minute together. She has been such a great help and inspiration to me throughout my life.
Ashley my cousin and best friend.
I have been blessed to have many special friends that have come from all walks of life. To all of these I would like to say a special thank you and that I love you very much!
My favorite hobbies are: swimming, reading, twirling, singing, surfing the web, Nintendo, being with my friends and family, working with MDA, Rainbow camp, collecting tigers and Talent Show.