History of Our Club For almost 30 years, Linden - Kildare Student Council has been very active! We have had numerous members become a part of this orgainization. Mr. Rodney Love has been a very active sponosr at the local, district, and state level; having served as a District Advisor and having been chosen as a District Advisor of the Year in the past few years. Mr. Love we would like to tell you how special you are to each of us and thank you for allowing us to have such an important organization continue to thrive at our school for all of these years. We are very excited about our performance at the State level during this past year. We were able to accomplish all of our goals that we set for the year. We received awards in the following: Outstanding Student Council Outstanding DASH Outstanding Energy Outstanding Pride and Patriotism Sweepstakes We received a Top 5 Project District Award at the District 19 Spring Forum and received a Top 10 Award at State. The project we won our award with was "Rainbow Magic"...MDA Awareness. |  |  |  | District 19 Student Council L - K's Student Council is very active at the District level. This year we have had the honor of holding the position of District Secretary. We would like to encourage other schools in our area to get involved at the district level and run for an office. Elections will be held at the Spring Forum on March 12th. Other officer schools are: President - Texas High, Vice President - Paul Pewitt, Treasurer - Rains, and Parliamentarian - Hughes springs. It has been an honor to work with these schools...they are the GREATEST!!! The District Advisor is Jo Anna Duncan. If you have any questions concerning Student Council, please contact her at 903 - 756- 5314 or at 903 - 796 - 5776. |  |  |  |
Our Club Officers President - Kelli Rhyne Vice President - Shelley Pate Secretary - Shawna Early Treasurer - John Bryant Wilbanks Parliamentarian - Sarah Rhyne
Rodney G. Love and Jo Anna Duncan are our Co-Sponsors |