Linden - Kildare Student Council
Officer and Rep Information

Upcoming Elections


SFA Summer Workshop
SFA Council 7
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Officer and Rep Information
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March 5 - we will begin announcing for you to pick up applications for elections.
March 14 - officer and representative applications due.
March 19 - 23 - campaign for elections.
March 23 - elections will be held...speeches will be presented over the Tiger Vision Network prior to voting at voting booths during the two lunch periods.
March 30 - applications due for chairperson positions.
April 10 - chairpersons will be announced.

To run for an office or representative you need to consider the following:

President / Secretary - must be a Sr.
VP / Treasurer - must be a Jr. or Sr.
Parliamentarian - must be a Soph., Jr. or Sr.

****Officers must attend Summer Workshop or they will forfeit their office!****

There are 3 representatives for the Soph., Jr. and Sr. class.
(The Freshmen rep's will be elected in May.)

Representatives from the Soph., Jr., and Sr. classes are eligible to attend workshop and are strongly encouraged to attend.

The 3 state chairperson's will be selected by application through a faculty/sponsor committee. These chairmen need to be members who ran for an office and were not elected or are a representative, because they need to be eligible to attend Summer Workshop.

We strongly encourage our members to get involved and run for a position.